Distinguished Achievement Award 2009

Dr. George C. Tiao and Dr.  Wing Hung Wong

George C. Tiao, University of Chicago

George C. Tiao is W. Allen Wallis Professor of Econometrics and Statistics (emeritus), University of Chicago. He earned his B.S. in Economics from National Taiwan University in 1955, MBA from New York University in 1958 and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1962.

He was Assistant, Associate, Full, and Bascom Professor of Statistics and Business from 1962 to 1982 at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and served as Chairman of the Statistics Department from 1973 to 1975. He joined the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago as W. Allen Wallis Professor of Statistics and retired in 2003. His research covers Bayesian inference, time series analysis, and environmental study of stratospheric ozone/temperature and air pollution data. He has authored, co-authored and co-edited 6 books and more than 120 articles in leading econometric, environmental and statistical journals. He has supervised more than 25 Ph.Ds. and served on numerous academic committees in the United States, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He was the founding president of the International Chinese Statistical Association, and the founding editor of Statistica Sinica. He has received many honors, including Fellow of ASA and IMS, elected member of Academia Sinica, Taiwan in 1976, the 2001 Wilks Memorial Medal and the Shiskin Award of the American Statistical Association, and honorary doctorates from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and National Tsinghua University in 2003. He also received the Statistician of the Year Award in 2005 from the Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association.

Professor Wing Hung Wong

Professor Wing Hung Wong is Professor of Statistics, Health Research and Policy and Biological Sciences at Stanford University. Professor Wong received his BA in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley (1976), MS in Statistics (1978) and Computer Sciences (1980), and Ph.D. in Statistics (1980) from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He was Assistant (1980-1985), Associate (1985-1988) and Full Professor (1988-1994) of Statistics at the University of Chicago. From 1994 to 1997, he was the Associate Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Statistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was Professor of Statistics at University of California, Los Angeles, from 1997 to 2000, and was Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics at Harvard University from 2000 to 2004. In 2004, he moved to Stanford University, where he leads a laboratory to develop methods and software for the analysis of data from high-throughput genomics studies. He will be Chair of the Stanford Department of Statistics in September, 2009.

Professor Wong has made many seminal contributions to statistical theory and the biomedical sciences. His is well known to the statistical community for his contributions in data augmentation, Monte Carlo, and Bayesian methods. He has also made major contributions to computational biology and system biology. He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific papers and is one of the most cited mathematicians in the world. His scientific achievements have won him many prestigious awards and honors. He is a fellow of IMS, ASA, AAAS, and an elected member of ISI. He won the COPSS award in 1993 and was recently elected to the US National Academy of Sciences.

He served as associate editor for Journal of American Statistical Association, Annals of Statistics, Statistica Sinica, IEEE/ACM and is on the editorial board of Journal of Computational Biology and Annals of Applied Statistics. Professor Wong is the advisor of 22 Ph.D. students, many of whom have become leaders of statistical sciences.

Distinguished Achievement Award 2009
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