Distinguished Achievement Award 2008

Dr. Jianqing Fan and Dr. Peter Hall

Jianqing Fan, Princeton University

Jianqing Fan is Frederick L. Moore’18 Professor of Finance and Director of Committee of Statistical Studies at Princeton University, and president of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and president-elect of International Chinese Statistical Association. He is the Co-editor of Econometrical Journal published by Royal Economics Society and an associate editor of The Journal of American Statistical Association since 1996, and was the co-editor of The Annals of Statitics (2004-2006) and an editor of Probability Theory and Related Fields (2003-2005) and on the editorial board of a number of other journals. After receiving his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley, he has been appointed as assistant, associate, and full professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1989-2003), and as professor at the University of California at Los Angeles (1997-2000), Professor of Statistics and Chairman at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2000-2003), and as professor at the Princeton University (2003–). He has coauthored two popular books on “Local Polynomial Modeling” (1996) and “Nonlinear time series: Parametric and Nonparametric Methods” (2003) and authored or coauthored over 100 articles on computational biology, financial econometrics, semiparametric and non-parametric modeling, statistical learning, nonlinear time series, survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, and other aspects of theoretical and methodological statistics. He has been consistently ranked as a top 10 highly-cited mathematical scientist since the existence of such a ranking (6 times). His published work on statistics, financial econometrics, and computational biology has been recognized by The 2000 COPSS Presidents’ Award, given annually to an outstanding statistician under age 40 worldwide, Humboldt Research Award for lifetime achievement in 2006, Morngside Gold Medal of Applied Mathematics in 2007, honoring triennially an outstanding applied mathematician of Chinese decent worldwide, and the election to the follow of American Associations for Advancement of Science, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and American Statistical Assocation. His research on statistics theory and methods has been funded by various federal agencies, including NSF, NIH and NSA. He has been frequently invited to various professional conferences and workshops and played various leadership roles in statistical community.

Peter Hall, University of Melbourne and University of California at Davis

Peter Hall was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1951, and received his BSc degree from the University of Sydney in 1974. His MSc and DPhil degrees were from the Australian National University and the University of Oxford, both in 1976. He taught at the University of Melbourne before taking, in 1978, a position at the Australian National University. In November 2006 he moved back to the University of Melbourne. He also holds a fractional appointment at the University of California, Davis. His research interests range across several topics in probability and statistics.

Hall is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the Royal Society of London, the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and has served as President of the Bernoulli Society. He has won the COPSS award, and a number of other awards and prizes in Australia and abroad. He holds honorary doctorates from the Catholic University of Louvain and the University of Glasgow.

Distinguished Achievement Award 2008
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